Past Presidents of BCARA:
Rick Langford - N8SDR (formerly KD8LCD) 2010 - 2012
Don Jefferies - N8KYX 2012
Kevin Jones - W8KJ 2013 - 2014
Rob Lindsay - W8MRL 2015
Kevin Jones - W8KJ - 2016
BCARA... The Beginning
In July 2010 a group of local operators N8KYX, KD8OFL, KB8PMY and KD8LCD were discussing how nice it would be to have a group of hams that would build a repeater, and enjoy some fun activities together. A couple of weeks later we were doing just that. Ryan kb8pmy put together a low profile repeater. The repeater didn't last long due to frequency conflict and a site to put it up. Then we got to thinking of starting a new group that would be of interest to other hams. The group would have to be fun, active in the community, and one which would be active as a group, where members and officers participate and share ideas, events and projects of interest to the members, not just a few individuals. Sharing with other members, operators and the community is what makes amateur radio a great hobby.
It is not a simple task to start a new organization. It takes time for all the paper work to get filed correctly and to come to an agreement on things like the name, the constitution and by-laws, and the process of selecting officers. But we made it through most of that by November 2010. We now have many of these obstacles’ behind us.
It is encouraging to see a group of hams come together that have that same interests.
Thanks to all the charter members and their ideas that got us going in the right direction.
2 Meter Weekly Net Tuesdays @ 7:30 146.925MHz / PL 123
On August 8 2010 a group of Amateur Radio operators met and discussed forming a new group.
A decision was made to proceed with a association and elect officers
A drafted Constitution and By-Laws were introduced at this meeting Officers for 2010 and 2011 were voted in to get the formation of a new group started.
KD8LCD — Richard Langford — President
N8KYX — Don Jeffries – Vice President
K1DRW - Dennis Wells -Treasurer
KD8OFL- Dave Gower – Secretary
WB8EEW - Dan Chaney - W8WRK Trustee
In the September Meeting our name was voted on by the members present as "Butler County Amateur Radio Association" or "BCARA and over the course of the next two meetings were able to file our papers for articles of incorporation. This was complete as of October 27th 2010 during these monthly meeting the drafted Constitution and By-Laws began to take shape and was voted in to become what is now the "Butler County Amateur Radio Association" or "BCARA" Constitution and By-Laws on November 8th 2010. Things were moving forward and coming together through all the hard work of it's now charter members.
BCARA gets a club call
In the BCARA November’s Meeting It was discussed for us to get a callsign, and to appoint a trustee for the association call. It was decided that Dan WB8EEW be appointed as trustee. The group helped Dan fill out the corresponding paper work to submit to the FCC for an official asociation Call. The paper work was submitted the very next day after the meeting. On November 16th 2010 we were granted a Call Sign of KD8PAN.
Call Change on January 21st 2011 - call changed from KD8PAN to W8WRK reflecting part of the old Doron Brothers radio station call of WRK, This was Hamilton Ohios first radio station and it was operated by Joesph and Shuler Doron who also ran amatuer radio stations
BCARA Gets a station location approval
A big thank you to Bob Anello, who owns the Property where the first Hamilton Ohio Radio Station “WRK” appeared not only were they the first Radio Broadcasting site in Hamilton but they were also Amateur Radio Operators as well Shuler Doron’s regular amateur station calls were “D5” (? to 1911) and “8AJT” (1912-1915) . Bob was excited to let us use the original broadcasting building located on the famous Shuler and Joseph Doron Brothers' property. We were also given permission to setup at this location a repeater in the future as well. The building will need some work that will be planned in the upcoming months. The Property still has the 80 foot tower that was used for their station.
BCARA receives it's first HF radio
At a meeting, spring 2012, chaired by Don Jeffries, the BCARA members voted to approve the purchase of a new FT-450D from Yaesu. The rig covers 6 - 160 meters, is compact and has state of the art IF DSP technologies. This will be a great asset for the assiciation and membership.
BCARA relocates the repeater site
In the fall of 2012, the Associations repeaters were relocated to a public facility. The antenna is mounted on the Fairfield Township Administration building on Morris Rd. This new location increases the footprint of the repeaters and provides emergency back-up power. This location allows the group to move forward with the founding object of the Association "... to make available to our community, state, and nation, skills and facilities to support safety and welfare of its citizens; and to conduct programs and activities that may advance the general interest and reputation of Amateur Radio in the local community." just as the founders of the group envisioned!
BCARA acquires a high profile repeater
In June 2013, a high profile 2 meter repeater system was donated to BCARA. This repeater at 146.700 MHz covers the entire tri-state area is a great asset. The 147.000 machine is still a vital and useful tool for amateur radio operators in Butler County as it is a solid machine with emergency backup power. We are blessed to have both available for use.
Public Service
In August 2013, BCARA and the Butler County Health Department (BCHD) signed a memorandum of understand which established a relationship between BCARA and BCHD. BCARA will provide backup communications for the BCHD. To ensure communication capabilities will be effective when needed. Regular tests will be performed to document the ability to establish communication links.
JULY 25, 2015
A new Yaesu System Fusion repeater was put on the air. This repeater allows the use of both traditional analog FM transmissions and C4FM digital mode.
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